Benefits of singing - why is it so good for you?

Benefits of singing - why is it so good for you?

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Does your fondest childhood memory involve a brush, a mirror and singing to the top of your lungs? Are you always the first in line for karaoke? Or, better yet, do you dream of turning singing into a profession? Aside from the fun and obvious entertainment this activity provides, you’ll be surprised to hear some interesting benefits of singing you might have not even considered.

Singing is good not just for alleviating stress, improving your breath support or your lungs, there are so many arguments why singing is just as beneficial for health as exercising. So next time you want to go all Celine Dion on all nearby, unsuspecting (and undeserving) ears, just tell your friends you’re doing it for your health. They'll understand, hopefully. Or, better yet, share these interesting facts with them as well!

Benefits of singing - why it's one of the best hobbies to have

1. Singing releases endorphins

I certainly wasn’t making the exercise comparison for nothing. You see, singing works in magic ways, just like exercising. It boosts your mood, makes you feel happy and can even alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety or depression. It's one of the many reasons why karaoke is so popular at parties, it’s not just about drunk kids belting to Aretha Franklin, it’s about making you feel good and anyone can turn to singing for a free round of endorphins, both amateurs and professional vocalists. The more you sing, the better you’ll feel. Not so sure about your neighbours but...

2. Improves lung and cardio function

Singing helps you breathe better and improves your aerobic capacity. It forces you to use the air you breathe, your larynx and your lungs better to produce different kinds of sounds and hit various pitches. The more you work on expanding your vocal range and perfecting all of your registers (chest voice, middle range and head voice), the more you’ll notice an increase in your lungs and your hearts’ capacity. So, if you hate the treadmill at the gym, try incorporating some singing in your routine.

3. Improves your self-confidence

One of the first things you learn when taking singing lessons is improving your posture and your confidence. Protip: Best to unleash your inner star in a soundproof studio. All jokes aside, remember that the benefits of singing aren’t just physical, they’re also emotional. Your confidence levels are tremendously important in boosting performance – you have to make the audience listen and for that, you need to believe in yourself, to truly think you have what it takes and be able to convey that honestly and convincingly. The more you sing and improve your technique, the better you’ll sound and the more exposed you are to your stage fright on a daily or weekly basis, the more you’ll improve your stage presence and win your public’s heart.

4. Free energy boost for your body and brain

One of the little known effects of singing on health is its improvement of cognitive function, mental alertness and overall energy levels. Since singing improves your circulation and oxygen levels to the brain, it’s no wonder that most of us feel more energized after a rehearsal in our bedrooms or in a more organized frame such as a choir room.

5. Helps you get creative

Singing is more than just following sheet music – a lot of the time, you will find yourself improvisising or even writing your own lyrics or thinking of new ways to transpose a piece into a different key to fit your unique vocal range. As such, singing boosts your creativity levels, helping you constantly surprise your audience and take your performance one step forward.

6. Singing tones your muscles

As you’ve noticed during this article, there are a bunch of similarities between the benefits of singing and those of exercise. Because singing works your diaphragm, intercostal and facial muscles, a couple of singing sessions might even tone those abs and give you a pleasant, low-impact work-out in the process as well. If you sing more often, expect more long-lasting effects.

7. Singing boosts immunity and lowers blood pressure

These are really strong arguments to turn to singing for improving your general health. Research conducted thus far has proven that singing can boost the immune system in cancer patients, whilst also lowering their cortisol levels. Long-term singing might even help fight off disease, lower the risk of developing other conditions caused by high blood-pressure and even provide help for treating breathing problems or asthma.

8. Singing is a great social activity

At last, we can’t ignore the obvious social benefits of singing. Whether you gather your friends for a midnight round of karaoke, practice in your garage with your band of misfits or rehearse in a choir room, singing is a great way to expand your social circle, bond with people who share the same interests as you and even improve your teamwork abilities.


All of these reasons make singing one of the most pleasant and rewarding activities you can turn to. So, next time the neighbors yell at you to keep it down, just tell them you’re working on actively improving your health and that earplugs are generally accessible and affordable too.

Do you turn to singing for improving your health? What other benefits of regular singing have you noticed? Let me know down below!

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