Online marketing

Want to find out more about online marketing? Are you a beginner and you don't want to pay for intricate courses? Learn all you need to know with me - online marketing, SEO and SEM, online promotion, user experience and the latest in all of the above.

How to work remotely in marketing – the beginner’s guide

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Hello, guys and gals. I hope I’m finding you well, as well as one can be during a global pandemic with no fixed end in sight. Dark humor aside, because it’s all I have to keep myself from going crazy, I thought I’d tackle a subject that might be useful and of interest to my readers.

During this rocky context to say the least, both independent individuals and legal entities are forced to either change their jobs/the manner in which they operate completely or adapt the jobs they already have/offer to the current economic and social reality (via automatization, digitalization, changing department structures, moving entire operations online etc.).

Digital marketing – key terms, explained

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In the age of online promotion and e-commerce, it becomes obvious that we don’t exist without digital marketing, without that „something” setting us apart on an over-saturated market. We need efficient promotion and a clearly established image via the use of digital marketing in order to position our products, services or even ourselves.

From the manner in which we build an online store, to the user experience (UX) elements found on websites to the niche content served in an easily digestible form to a specific targeted audience, ending with video explainers and animations, the manner in which we choose to promote ourselves evolves on the daily and so do the industry trends.

Brand and branding – what does each one mean?

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Because we love Romglish (mixing Romanian and English) so much, especially in advertising, we also adopt these trendy English words in day to day conversations. Brand and branding or rebranding are a few such examples used by many and understood by few.

If you’re wondering what a brand is and you want the stripped-down version with no headaches attached to it, if you’re confused by terms such as visual identity or brand identity and you’re obviously too lazy to skim through a branding manual that’ll tell you exactly how everything’ve come to the right place.

Marketing online pentru începători – câteva noțiuni de bază

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Anyone who uses the internet for commercial, educational, informative or persuasive purposes should know one or two things about online marketing. If you’re here, you’re probably wondering – why? Why is it so important to know these things if you’re an entrepreneur or a CEO or a journalist, not an advertiser or marketer?

The truth is that not knowing online marketing in a digital age is like having the best speech in the world, the biggest audience before your eyes but no microphone, therefore no chance to be heard and listened.